Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Under My Breath, Life Breathes Me" (Majo,12/96)

Under my breath, life breathes me
My breath falters, gets tight
All but goes away
The breath of life rocks me gently
I float on a tiny raft
On an immense, wild ocean
Struggling to stay afloat
To somehow chart a course
In the void, the vastness
Life is the ocean
It holds me and my raft
Were I to lose the raft
This tiny defense that I call home
Plunge naked into life
Drop under the surface
Lose my grip
Over my head in life
With no bearings
Surrender all hope of ever again
Knowing which end is up
Say goodbye to surface life
That has seemed my only realm
Slide down, down, down into life
What then?

"This Story I Tell" (Majo, 11/22/05)

I’ll tell you my story
If you tell me yours
We each have so many
Which to share in this here and now?

We’ll tell them piece by piece, bit by bit
And see if we recognize
Each other in them

Some of mine may sound different than yours
But still may lay open
Some part of the human cloth
We both do wear

Some will stir memories, echoes
Of places we have been
Lives we have led -
Others will leave questions more
What was that like?
How would it be
To have been there?

How do we make it safe to tell?
We look, we smile
Or I frown when you do frown
We sit alert or sigh
And settle more in this
Soft or hard real-life chair

Each time I tell
Each story will come out different
Because each moment I will change
The river of my life will wash me in a different wave

If my story does honor my past, does make it real
Then it also shows why this moment, too, is true
“So this is how I came to this here and now
This is the only way it could have been”

If my story shares my now with dignity
Even in the humiliations of this human life
Then it also claims my past
As nothing but human, too
If it got me here
It is valid as it is
To change it might make me you
Or some other soul I would not know

I can wrestle with these demons of mine
Better than could you or them
If I took on yours or theirs
They would take me down
In no time flat
I never grew those muscles
That keep you or them alive

Each tale implies a future
How could all this life-flow end?
Only our minds
Separate past, present and what’s to come
They are all alive here and now
We shine a light on them
One by one

If my story is to reach your heart
I must break it open to the truly human core
That place which is most vulnerable, cracked
And so alive
That part I would most protect
Hide, camouflage, prettify

If you have not gone where I describe
You still have felt what I have felt
You will recognize the urge to hide
And the release in finally not
If this part of my story is not you
The telling of it is

I tell myself stories about my life
That hurt me more than what went on
I make myself villain, goat, victim
Of the play.
I must tell them
Again and again
This way and that
Until I find the thread that is most true

In that thread I am nothing but Life
No longer separate
My unique story takes me home
Where I am you as you are me
Where we are more than we can see

Life tells its infinite story through us
As each wave, for a moment
Describes the sea

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Who Am I?" (Majo John Madden, 1997)

Intro: About ten years ago, I participated in a weekend workshop called the Enlightenment Intensive. The primary activity in this three-day workshop is round after round after round of sitting opposite from another participant, who for five minutes asks you again and again, “Who are you?’ – and you give whatever comes to mind. Then you return the question to them for five minutes. Then you move on to another partner and repeat the same process. For three days. Two days after the workshop, I wrote this poem.

The title of the poem is,

"Who Am I?"

Who am I?
What the hell kind of question is that?
Do I not know who I am
After all these years of fumbling around?
I might as well give up the ghost….….

No, I don’t have an answer
I don’t know who I am.
Am I this bewildering array of thoughts, perceptions and sensations
Warring within my brain – pulling me this way and that?
Each grabs me and wants to own me – I hope I am more than them.

You look at me so sincerely and ask me who I am….
Am I the reflection of me I see in your eyes?
I think I might like it better than my own view.
Am I the current I feel flowing between us
As we sit and look at each other?
I feel so connected to you – am I you?
And yet I feel separate somehow….

There are so many things and people that I want
Am I them?
Am I the wanter?
Am I it that is observing the wanter?
Am I whatever is noticing the observer?
Or is that the same observer, observing itself?
How deep does this go, anyway?

Am I the calm silence that
Has floated up in me since those questions exhausted themselves?
Or am I the “me” in which it has floated, the field in which it lies?
Or am I the thoughts and questions
Nibbling at the edges of this sweet silence?
Or the gentle mother voice shushing those thoughts
“Later, he’s resting now.”

Am I the sorrow I feel at being so many unharmonized voices
The sadness and shame at being a house so divided
A mind so mindless
A self so out of touch with itself…?

Yet there is still something else
I can’t see it or hear it, but I feel it…
A watcher of the watchers
Yet softer than watching
Not a voice, but a presence
Not words, but a warm radiance.
And now that I notice it, I realize
That it was present in every other level
Obscured by the noise, the action – but there.

I feel joy in its presence
And want only to sit here with it
To soak in the peace, the at-homeness I feel.
For truly, in the presence of this benign, tender something
Which I can only inadequately name “love”
I feel no distance,
No judging of it by me or me by it
No finger-pointing or name-calling – no identifying at all
No need to protect myself
Or to stay separate in any way.
And the question “Who am I?”
Slips easily into dust.
From here I can see nothing that I am not.
I am, I simply am
And will be, even when I forget.

And from here the only thing I want
Is not to forget.

"Something New" (Majo John Madden. 12/07)

I am old
This life is old
These bones are old
These thoughts are old
These fears are old
These hopes are old
These dreams are old

From where might come something new?
I have searched the horizon
For a glimpse of hope, from anywhere
My ship to come
A rescue plane to pick me up
From this desert isle
“This is Radio Majo – Come in, come in – is there anybody out there?”

I am giving up
There is nothing out there
But the ghosts of my life past
The phantasms of my wandering
In this landscape of broken dreams
Giving up…
Giving up…

But what is this?
When I give up
Something rises…
When I give up
Something rises…
When I give up
Something rises…

I have become so empty
Empty of hope
Empty of the will to try
Empty of sails on that so-empty sea
Empty of a dream of what might come
Empty of what I thought was me

I have become so hollow
So transparent
So lacking in mass
That my empty has turned to light
My empty has turned to light

This gentle breeze
Stirring beneath my hollow limbs
Lifts me – oh so slightly
The golden sun, which shines on
Nothing that I want
Begins to shine
Through me

I have become
So empty
So hollow
So transparent
That the breeze lifts me up
And the light fills me up
My being in this world
So exhausted
So used up
So empty
That I am become
A being of light

Like no one I remember
But one I recognize
Was hidden, covered
So encased in doing
‘Til I could do no more

I will continue to give up
Life will teach me how
It’s one more thing I will not do
In this empty, used up
Hollow, radiant now

"Call Me Crazy" (Majo John Madden, 8/04)

Call me “intense”
Call me “inconsistent”
Call me “unpredictable”
Call me “unstable”
Call me “eccentric”
Call me “hard to keep up with”
Call me “over the top”
Call me “too much”
Call me “crazy”

Call me “a seeker”
Call me “courageous”
Call me “letting go”
Call me “a risk taker”
Call me “a truth teller”
Call me “an adventurer”
Call me “open to Spirit”

Hey, since it’s worth having one handle, anyway
And since “Majo” works for me
Call me Majo

But what if none of this other stuff applies?
What if it’s all shit we’re making up?
What if all these words are
Part of the burden
Part of the past
Part of the weight
Part of the pain
Part of the junk pile I wish to burn
What if none of them actually are me –
Or you?

What if the greatest gift you can give me
Is to be confused
Is to be not knowing
Is to let it all go –
All the labels, all the ideas
All the past
All the images of who I am
And who you are -
And see what happens.

"Space" meditation

· Plant your feet on the floor, hands on your lap

· Eyes closed or gently unfocused, maybe looking at the floor

· Observe your breathing

· Observe your inhalation into your lungs – and do this between each of the following exhales

· Exhale into your brain

- What does it feel like?
- Observe the activity of your mind
- What is the quality of that activity?
- Fast/slow?
- Comfortable/uncomfortable?
- Love/fear?
- Who is the observer?
- Don’t try to figure it out – just notice that there is an observer
- Who is noticing the observer?
- Don’t try to figure it out – just notice that something is noticing.

· Now exhale into your whole head
- See if there is some space in there, beyond the thinking brain

· Now exhale into your whole body
- Is your whole body thinking?
- Is there space in your body that is not thinking?

· Now exhale into the whole room around you
- See if there is a sense of space around you
- Expand into that space
- Notice that there is a center of consciousness in you, observing all this

· Now exhale into the whole building around you

· Now exhale into the city of Asheville

· Now exhale into the whole United States

· Now exhale into the whole planet

· Now exhale into the solar system

· Now exhale into the universe

· See if you have a sense of spaciousness, room to breathe

· Progressively bring your awareness back into your body, but see if you can keep an awareness of there being space around you

- What does it feel like to have this space around you?

· Open your eyes, but see if you can keep an awareness of there being space around you

· Experiment with this shifting of awareness between inside yourself and the space around you as often as you wish – shuttling between this focus and whatever else you happen to be doing

Monday, January 21, 2008

"Uncontested", a poem (Majo, 10/1/02)

Is this moment OK?
A voice in me says perhaps I should be in another
Should be somewhere else, doing something else
With someone else, as someone else.
Perhaps I should be further ahead than I am.
Perhaps I started at the wrong place
And will never have a chance.
Perhaps I have not done enough or well enough
Perhaps I took a wrong turn
Somewhere back along the road.

More than ever I remember
I am hearing and observing this “perhaps” voice.
It is a funny voice, I think
Where does it get its information?
Its accusations have become monotonous to me
I see that it truly does not come from me
In fact, it truly is not alive at all
It is a tape recording, a mindless machine voice.
It is caught in an endless litany of “not enough”.
There is no life in it and no life in listening.
It is a relic, an echo
A memory that has not caught up – and never can
With here and now.
It is a here-and-now would-be destroyer
Except that here-and-now is
So much bigger, so much stronger.
This moment is nothing but alive
It vibrates, pulsates, sings, reverberates.
The present moment does not see or hear
The “perhaps” voice at all.
There is no contest.
When I step from “perhaps” to this moment, I am uncontested.