Wednesday, October 24, 2007

From Silver Bullets to Bulletin Boards (Majo John Madden, 10/24/07)

I was just talking with a friend who had recently my most recent Life Lived More Deeply mini-retreat. One of the many great things he said was that I had offered no answers, no silver bullets - and that a part of all of us is wishing and looking for these.

The writer in me lit up with another play on words: from silver bullets to bulletin boards. What if the world offers us not silver bullets but bulletin boards? Bulletin boards are kind of all over the place - the different stuff on them may not relate to each other at all and some of it, for us anyway, may be absolute crap.

It's up to us then, not to follow the leader, but to discern what is the next message for us, what is the next step. For me anymore, it's not about a method or a plan, but about the next step: move to this next spot and await further instructions. It may not be at all clear why we need to move there - why this item posted on the bulletin board speaks to us, but somehow it does.

The real discipline may be to not get trapped in our addiction to seeing or figuring out where it's all going - to voluntarily let go of the raft, plunge naked into life and "surrender all hope of ever again knowing which end is up." Here may be the only solid non-program, the real hero's path - not to tilt at windmills, but to voluntarily let go, one step at a time, of our mind-wills, our need to control it all.

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